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Tove Skutnabb-Kangas

Bibliography on
multilingualism, multilingual and Indigenous/minority education,
linguistic human rights, language and power,
the subtractive spread of English,
the relationship between linguistic diversity and biodiversity, etc.

This private bibliography contains all the references I (Tove Skutnabb-Kangas) have used in what I have published since 1988. There may be errors (and certainly moving to Mac has garbled references in Kurdish, Greek, etc). I have not been able to delete all the doubles (and there are several) but am doing it when I see them. If an article says "In XX (ed)" and page numbers, the book itself will be found under the editor's name. I have not checked the bibliography - still I hope it may be useful for some people.

My own publications are also here, see: Tove Skutnabb-Kangas - All publications. For (my husband) Robert Phillipson's publications, check his webpage (I do not have all his publications here). All websites here were up-to-date when I put them in, but I do not check them afterwards except when I need them myself. Comments, corrections and additions are very welcome!

This Bibliography can also be downloaded as a pdf file:
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas' - Big Bibliography (pdf updated: January 2023)

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